Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cabot Cheese = Good ; Coupons.com = Bad

Cabot Cheese is giving out samples at Wegmans this weekend!
That's awesome,  they have good cheese. Trish and I have even visited the factory/creamery in VT.

I 'registered' on the promise of a coupon, and was redirected to coupons.com, Which stated that I had an Unsupported browser.
They really mean OS, as I was using Chrome on Linux. It seems they want to install some Coupon App/Program to do the printing.

My guess is they are trying to prevent duplication of the coupon, but come on, if it's printed at home, any home with a scanner, or anybody with access to a library with a photocopier, has the ability to make copies off the first print.

Coupon DRM ,  really,  come on..